Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Recruiter Abuse: if you see something, say something

Sexual abuse has been a serious problem not only within every branch of the US military, but also by some military recruiters who recruit in high schools.  Students, teachers and school administrators: please note that, by military regulation, male recruiters are never supposed to be alone with female potential recruits. Students:  If a recruiter is making any kind of sexual advances or suggestions, whether in person or via text or phone messages, please tell a trusted adult and call the police.

In Austin, sexual assault of underage females by military recruiters has occurred in recent years.  These are serious crimes that hurt both victims and perpetrators.  Please help prevent future crimes by saying something if you see something.

Here is a message from the GI Rights Hotline:

 What is recruiter abuse?
Recruiter abuse has become such a problem that a congressional committee has suggested installing surveillance equipment in recruiting stations (which does little to protect young people solicited in schools).
Examples of recruiter abuse include:
·  Making misleading or false statements;
·  Repeated contact after a request to refrain from contact;
·  Physical coercion;
·  Sexual solicitation;
·  Encouraging recruits to lie or falsify information;
·  Offering drugs or alcohol;
·  Attempting to intimidate or scare recruits or their parents;
·  And refusal to accurately document recruits' medical or legal situations.
What can be done about recruiter abuse?
If you feel that you are being misled or pressured by a recruiter, call the GI Rights Hotline at 877-447-4487.  If your recruiter is abusing you physically or sexually, or breaking the law in any way, call the police.

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